OFFICIAL: "Whine about morAns on the road" thread.

5:00 saturday 4/5/08 Transit road near Delacy ford. Down shifting and cutting me off isn’t necessary when im letting you in front of me… Next time i won’t.

PS If there is any members here that are part of “Team Wraith” …


Your cars suck

i was gonna say i was driving down transit around 5:30ish and i have a silver mazdaspeed but i dont drive like a d-bag so cant say that it was me…

Pffttt… you’re just pissed because you got raped on the ricer flyby.

OMG YOU GOT CUT OFF?!?! I’ve heard about that happening to people!

I’m gunna go ahead and guess this was the same guy that was revving the shit out of his speed6 in the parking lot to test if he had a blown turbo when I was at swerve getting my snows mounted.

I’m not the most knowledgeable person in terms of cars but I doubt sitting in your car, revving the piss out of it, getting out and looking in your engine bay and exhaust pipe is the best method to diagnose.

clean baldy?

Thought his was blue.

may have been, i thought it was silver.

uh actually that was me at swerve and believe it or not that was the only way i could induce the smoke and i wasnt doing it to “test” if i had a blown turbo…i already knew the seals went on it, everyone up there wanted to see what i was talking about because it would only smoke when it wanted to…i wasnt “revving the shit out of it” to be a d-bag…talk to soloIIscoob about the turbo seals and how it tends to smoke when it wants to…and no that wasnt me on transit, like i said i dont drive like a dickhead…theres about 3 other speed6’s that are gray/silver in color in this area besides mine

and what the fuck does me revving my engine have to do with the way i drive?

ok tough guy - first of all you were revving the shit out of your car and it was super fucking annoying because I was on the phone with work trying to sort out some problems. Secondly no one wanted to see anything on your car except whoever your friend was (I think it was articzap), you were both poking around your car by yourselves doing no real diagnosis and thus, being annoying, thus leading me to believe it is possible that you drive in an annoying fashion as well.

edit: and clean baldys speed 6 is grey

well this was at exactly 5 and was right in front of delacy collision.

FRY it wasnt the cutting off that got me pissed it was the reving and thinking he was hard in front of his girlfriend.

lol oh I know. Just giving you a hard time. :hay:

it could be this dude, it is fairly clear that he doesn’t understand when he is revving hard :stuck_out_tongue:

ok so your on your phone at a FUCKING GARAGE, number one…number two…there was 3 people out with with me (articzap, letitroll and danny <–paul’s mechanic) and geez im really sorry that we were at a garage where cars do make noise, and we couldnt keep it to a resonable volume level for you…did you want a tissue?..and besides did you once come out and say hey guys im on the phone cool out for a second…no you didnt thus, how the fuck were we supposed to know that you had an “important” call to make…simple solution, dont talk on your phone at a garage or tell the “annoying people” to chill out for a second…problem solved


nah wasnt me then i wasnt there at exactly 5 and i didnt have anyone in my car with me seeing as i was coming home from work…matter of fact, heading to swerve to probably REV THE SHIT OUTTA MY ENGINE IN THE PARKING LOT!!! :headbang:

wasnt me :slight_smile: I was home packing up for my move all saturday. Didnt leave the house.

Did it have a sunroof and the original 18" mazdaspeed wheels?

agreed…im a fan of the blue escort with the siqqqqqqqqqq body kit and neons

LOL. I like it!

Also, i was going to say that it was probably clean baldy taking poop to the dump, but that girlfriend part threw me. I think he is too busy having girls break his heart to have time to get a girlfriend.