Well, I got a letter a couple weeks ago that said I needed to fill out the paperwork and go to the ‘help find work’ office this morning. So, I go, and as luck would have it, my crazy cousin is there with a friend. He’s going through the job listings, and says out loud ‘hair test, nope, i’d never get that job, if they tested my hair right now I’d be taken to jail’. I found that quite funny to say out loud at a place that wants to help get you a job:)
Ha ha so he graduated med school right?
Yes, and has now graduated to ‘street pharmacist’
street pharmacist O.o
Fuck he will prolly make way more as a street pharmacist
Unfortunately, he always uses up all of his products before they hit the streets.
Lmao bad business right there
^^ lol.
My street prescription is running low, maybe he can assist me with a refill. :lol
I hear the poker table is hiring.
Works for Failvis so maybe you can make money playing poker too.
:lol:lol:lol:lol oh man… bad news bear…