this guy out

I’ve been clicking like crazy.
More power to him.

HAHAHA i’ve been doing the same

i helped him. once. :slight_smile:


c’monnnnn help the poor guy out :lol:

not if he’s not posting up any pics when he wins.

LOL…you have came a cross a good point…touche’

wow that thing is climbing like crazy

hahahahahha…it’s getting close!!!

Added my click

ya he should deff include pics of when he wins. I helped him out a couple times

well it’s there :lol:

HAHA thats awesome :smiley:

ok i cant get to it :gotme:

+10 more


That episode of seinfield was true. People will do anything to help with a menage a trois. :tup:

EDIT: Holy fuck over 10k hits from the time of this post to this edit.

got it up 400 :slight_smile:

Anyone can make a webpage that refreshes itself… lol. That’s to easy.

It raises around 300 hits between the 2 seconds it took me to refresh… I tried that on 3 different attempts…

damn dude, 3.2 million as of 3 am.

4.2 million now…

lol…WTF…this kid needs to update