LOL (IM conversation)

Hopefully he’s only 16 and still naive. :hay:

Wholle? He deserved to be poo’d on.

typo for “whole”

not a misspelling of who’ll

Why shit beforehand when she could save time and shit during:gotme:

Sounds more like a made up story to me.

lol. i can assure you it’s not made up.


unless she was sick then its his own damn fault. that just doesn’t happen. Feces doesnt just sit in the persons rectum until they have to go

I guess there is a chance there was residual poop that was made into a liquid by the lube and it was slightly brown… but the only way it could happen is if…

  1. she was just about to shit and he tried to pack it up back in there
  2. she was sick and had the runs
  3. residual

1 and 2 its his fucking fault. 3 its not as bad as it was hyped up

Ewwwwww Fat legs, get running I’d hate to have to come home to that everynight
