LOL (IM conversation)

[09:25] XXXXX: i never told you the wholle story about the 17yr old did i
[09:26] sprocketbash411: about the anal virgin girl?
[09:26] XXXXX: yea but did i tell you what happened DURING
[09:39] sprocketbash411: negative
[09:39] XXXXX: brace yourself
[09:40] sprocketbash411: i’m braced
[09:40] sprocketbash411: if this involves poo i will be displeased.
[09:40] XXXXX: then nvm
[09:40] sprocketbash411: oh jeez
[09:40] sprocketbash411: GROSS
[09:40] XXXXX: .
[09:41] XXXXX: im never having her over again
[09:51] sprocketbash411: hahaha
[09:54] sprocketbash411: she pooed on you?
[10:00] XXXXX: sigh
[10:05] sprocketbash411: lol
[10:07] XXXXX: i cant believe it happened
[10:07] sprocketbash411: was she mortified?
[10:08] XXXXX: my thighs were a little wet …kinda like when you get vagina juice on you
[10:08] XXXXX: and im like…what the…keep going…it gets worse…i bolt for the bathroom…turn the lights on and almost VOMIT
[10:10] sprocketbash411: are you sure it was poo and not blood?
[10:10] XXXXX: im 10000% sure what it was
[10:11] sprocketbash411: hahah. fail!
[10:12] XXXXX: its better to tell this story than to type it
[10:18] sprocketbash411: i once had a girl bleed EVERYWHERE
[10:18] sprocketbash411: like
[10:18] sprocketbash411: all over the place.
[10:19] sprocketbash411: but it was def blood not POO.
[10:19] sprocketbash411: it was at someone elses house so i just left the puddle on the bed. It was horrible.
[10:23] XXXXX: ew
[10:23] XXXXX: thats teerrible
[10:24] XXXXX: this iwas def not a puddle
[10:24] XXXXX: i decided to wear a condom for whatever reason i just figured shes young and id need the lube
[10:24] XXXXX: and the whole thing and the base of me was just covered in soupy poopy

PLZ do not PM or IM me about who this is about. I will not divulge to anyone.

Just enjoy and LOL.

Another girl mortified for the rest of her life +1

[10:23] XXXXX: ew
[10:23] XXXXX: thats teerrible
[10:24] XXXXX: this iwas def not a puddle
[10:24] XXXXX: i decided to wear a condom for whatever reason i just figured shes young and id need the lube
[10:24] XXXXX: and the whole thing and the base of me was just covered in soupy poopy

always make em shower first

AND SHIT… apparently…


I wonder if she thought she could just wait until afterward to drop a deuce…


i have never got the chance yet to do it :gotme: once when the wife was real drunk we started then she made me stop after like i just got in

Willie: Yeah baby, Yeah baby, your not gonna shit right for a week!


ditch the wife

or knock her out

alcohol and porn can help too.

but the head is good :gotme::wave:

porn would never help she falls asleep watching it

f*ck the shit out of her…i like it

el oh el

i have one guess as to who it was

also siq

also sounds like tucker max story, wheres the video tapez

pics or ban!


Sounds like you aren’t aggressively fingering the asshole enough before hand. Make sure to use her own juices as lube. There should be enough to get your finger in relatively smoothly. After a couple weeks of that you can usually coax them into trying it.

this thread is destined for failure, if you have to ask you just don’t know

When i bang chicks in the ass i rarely use lube. Just make them stew in their own juices enough and you’re golden.