LOL Women's sports.

:rofl :rofl :rofl




I lost it at tucking the tire down the roll in!

Yeah hard on the front brakes, down a steep PLYWOOD DUST COVERED roll in, is a great idea, no way will you lock it up! LOL

That honestly could have been the SLOWEST race i ever watched! and that wasn’t even a hard endurocross course.

Men flying through it

i thought the enduro was stupid as fuck. i didnt enjoy it while watching it. but i guess to each their own

So much :facepalm


Hahahahahaha. Was the course designed to kill them, maim them or both?

clearly they should stick to holding pit boards.


Yep you got it!

Lol its like yesterday when my brother and I reached the top of a grueling climb on the bikes and a husband and wife were sitting at the top. The husband goes “how come us three men could make the climb but my wife had to walk?” I go “Well obviously its because the bike trail isn’t in the kitchen.” I thought she was gonna punch me in the mouth.


Youtube bros deliver the lolz again.


I dident click this all day thinking it was just going to be stupid, being really bored here though I finally decided to see what was going on…

SO MUCH :rofl

I should have watched this earlier at work when I wanted to punch someone in the face :lol

Most horrible Xgames event I’ve ever seen. Even the mens. It’s just plain stupid.