London Area members - [wednesday's @ 9:45pm]

if its rainin tomorrow anyone wanna get some wings and beer?

i would but will be putting the finishing touches on my car for the autoslalom!!! i cant wait to run it!

how bout we do the wings and beer anyways?
we’ll discuss in the parking lot :smiley:

we gotta gtsoem more 240s out at the LAC meet. try to get pete to come or anyoine else you know

I’ll try to come out next week, I just got my car insured this week

i may be selling my car to start a new project. anyone know of anyone looking to buy. Well not till next year, my car goes into storage. If anyone hears anything let me know.

JD240 lets hear some details about your car. how much cory?

My car is a red and pretty stock hatch, I have a maroon hatch on it right now and that’s about it. Big dreams and no money lol.

London is a long ways away from Windsor for a meet, especially on a Wednesday night… blah.

ok come to the LAC meet JD240 so mark and i can see your car cause we both work till 9 so cant go to the 240 meets anymore. hardly anyone goes. the LAC guys can be stupid some times so we just kinda hang together away from them. still makes for a good night. and you sound like me big dremas no money lol.

ya cause i dont want to see the car…thanks stu haha


see you peoples out there this evening?
looks like the weather is downhill from tonight

damn, i can’t show homeworks got me busy tonight

JD240… i saw you hatch at fanshawe like a few days ago… i walked right by it…lol… first thing i noticed was the hatch. my s14 was parked way way down the row. u may have saw it

what r u taking at funshawe?

yea I saw your s14 pretty nice, i’m in motive power right now

yeah boy for motive power im in first year. there is a nice black mint s13 in the shop from time to time. and i have seen the purple s14 with the front kit out there. its ok no offense its coming along. i think you(jfourti) know my friend max with a talon from chatham??? he says he knows you. hey JD how come i never see you around and what year are oyu in in motive power??im in the coda section.

I’m in the non apprenticeship section, also first year first semester.

anyone wanna get together tonight?

don’t think i’m heading out