London Area members - [wednesday's @ 9:45pm]

The meet was most definataly awesome i was so pumped to see 5 240 cruising and meet at the same time next week is a must for anyone else thinking about coming it is way worth it. Thanks for drinving your ass all the way down her nick and it was good to see you again. good meeting some new boys too, so keep the support up and we will keep meeting. see you boys wed. night.

i’d come out… but meet you at the location. no 240 in my driveway :stuck_out_tongue:
but next 2 weeks i work afternoon/nights, so can’t make it… bleh

i’ll come to show support and take some pics

90% chance of rain tonight…dammit
perhaps we could find ourselves a covered area or a timmies if people still want to go out in the rain

I’m still up for tonight, but ya…somewhere covered from the weather preferred.

How late do you guys usually stay?

It was just before 11:00pm when we all went our seperate ways i believe last wednesday.
And for covered areas…there’s the White Oaks Mall parking Garage just off the top of my head

Sooo…who all is up for tonight?. I need to know because it’s like and hour or more for me to get there. Don’t wanna leave and find out no one is doing anything. If you wan’t these meets to get better you need to come out. Rain or shine.

I’m in, and if you have phone numbers for some of the other people give them a ring.

Sorry I only know Leo’s #, if I knew others I would be on the horn calling them out. :slight_smile:

Hey guys i’m not gonna beable to make it out tonight because I have to work early tomorrow and its just pooring. I do think it is a good idea to set up and covered area as well so when we run in to this prob again we will have somewhere to go. (There is also underground parking at Westmount mall) I also just talked to Leo (FR Only) and he can’t make it because he is still gonna be at work for awhile. Sorry guys next week will hopefully be better.


white oaks is probably a no go… we’ve tried meets there before with another club, and security is really anal

westmount might be an option… easy to get to, not sure what security is like there, as long as there’s not too much revving/etc it might be ok

though it’s across the city from me :frowning:
i’ll see if i can think of another spot…

i know if london auto club gets rained out, or for winter meets, they just plan to go to coffee shop right near the meet spot to still hang out… so you don’t always need a covered area, can just meet indoors at a coffee shop

a decent central location might be wellington/baseline, decent sized lot, and has a timmies on the corner, banks/grocery store around if people are hungry, etc… though i don’t know what the lot is like on a weekday, if it stays busy for awhile or not

Hey guys, just got in from work (10:32pm…). Don’t loose sleep over tonight’s meet atempt. Next wednesday will be a go for sure, rain or not. It’ll be good to see familiar faces and cars once again.

In the mean time, for those of you who haven’t yet, be sure to give the 28th a thought. It 's the final drift event of the year, and it’ll run 8 hrs continuous. This is a great place to hone your skills, or to take it easy and build if it’s your first time.
anyways, I wan’t to keep this thread clean, so post your dirft thoughts elsewere, but just keep it in mind.

Wednesday, October 18th, official London area meet once again. See you there.


the weather is looking good for tomorrow (wednesday oct. 18th)
so everyone better show for the meet :D.

good meet guys. Details for the 22nd will go up soon.

If someone from London wants to go to the
Fall 2006 Final Meet and Cruise Sunday the 22nd
and doesn’t have a ride
I have an extra seat in my car
feel free to message me for a ride

Anyone up for tonight?

I’m up for tonight. Don’t come to my place, just be at the Blockbusteer lot for 10pm.


getting my replacement waterpump, so i won’t be there with the 240 :frowning:

Great meet guys. Solid turnout, good conversations and fun ripping around the parking lot ;). See you guys next week.


someone put up pix. im only in london on weekends and not even every weekend, would love 2 see wat ppl here got.
plz some1 post some pics