London Area members - [wednesday's @ 9:45pm]

I would post pics, but i just plane don’t have any of my car. It’s camera shy :stuck_out_tongue: .

Speaking of meets, is anyone up for this wed (15th) or should we put it off till the next?

car should be on the road again late this week
so i’m down for next week

anyone heading out tonight?
a low of 13 degrees doesn’t sound too shaby

Considering it.

i will come out to the meets in the spring, i put my car away a few weeks ago, im only 45 min from london. cant wait til spring…

Spontaneous Drift Event: success!!

the sleet storm we had wed night made for great road conditions, so Mark and I spent 2hrs in every industrial section and city outskirts we could use. It was fun to get sideways again. A few close calls and heart dropping moments but thats what adds to the fun. Good stuff Mark. Shit, we should take a camera next time…

Wayne, if you came out to the LAC meet looking for us i’m sorry we didn’t meet up with you, we were there around 10 30pm…


anyone interested in participating please contact me…

hey, i was just wondering if you guys were gonen meet up again this year. I fanially got my car together and wanna go to a few of these meets. I know spring is a ways away, but i was just curious.


I’m back in London now so I’d be up for a meet. Last i heard Leo was still in Calgary and I don’t know anymore London 240 guys.

ya man, still here… not back for a while. 240 support is weak during the winter, best bet is to wait till summer…

my car is in storage until april anyways and i have about a week or so worth or work i want to do before it goes back on the road anyways, i was just curious. ill keep watchin to see when they are gonan start up again.


I’m in if there are meets with a couple people who show up.

In St. Thomas on fathers day weekend there is a cruise night. It is mostly muscle cars and you can go to the St. Thomas dragway on the sat night i think and it is cheap entry fee and there is also usually a pretty good cruise down the main street that night as well. if anyone is interested in going let me know and i can get more details.


looks like in a week or two its going to start being nicer out consistently
and we can start setting up a meet date/time

sounds good to me, im just wondering how many people would be interetsed in showing up, i have never been to a meet and was just curious

I’d come out to a meet, we basically just drink coffee and talk about cars, nothing too fancy.

i’d be up for a meet, the rot bags ready to go anytime.

shall we set a season opener meet time up then?

I get my car out of storage on april 28 and have some things i want to do to it before i take my beater of the road. I m also moving to london from st thomas the week of may 1st so I will not be ready till prolly at the second weekend of may.