London Area members - [wednesday's @ 9:45pm]

when is it?

June 13th, its a sunday

So is anybody still on here interested in having a meet anytime this year?? Starting next week I will actually have time in the evenings.

id be down, been pretty bored lately lol

Im up for pick a time and place.

time and place and ill be there as long as its after 7

ill show up just pick a time and place…

Any day works me for as long as its after 7 also. How about weds? or something

Do you guys just want to meet at wonderland and oxford again?

alright sounds like there is some interest. I will find out what I am up to thsi week and next week and let you guys know when is good for me.

Yah, I can get a few other guys with some JDM cars to show up also. No camrys like last time =/ Let me know what day works best for you guys

No camrys… im out. 240s are played out camrys are the new hottness. Come on wongger everyone knows that

stop talking start date planning

Im available tomorrow, fri, sat, sun lol Evening

pick a date and we will try and meet there

k lets pick a day, and then pick a time. so everyone post days and times for you in the next week and we will find some common ground. so ill go first:

tuesday-friday after 7pm
sat all day, sunday all day.

anytime of the week any time after 6 is good for me…and weekends anytime at all…

well thats 2. so hopefully when we set a date everyone can make it

I cant do anything Fri to Mon but during the week after 6pm works for me

I will be able to go most days after 6 ish