Long Island girls do it better

x2 :rofl great movie

this works!! trust me ive used it before, ended up screwing the girl for several months so i mustve done something right…or not done something :shifty

Hell mother fucking yes :bowdown

With that being said Google “guido long island” and hit images. That will clear up alot of what most girls go for down there.
(and if your super lazy http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&safe=off&um=1&sa=1&q=guido+long+island&btnG=Search&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&start=0 )

Good luck, my gf is from LI. Shes not high maintenance or materialistic but she is definetly a pain in the ass:banghead

Pics of said LI girl :excited

My girl is from LI. Actually we are going down there this weekend to see her family. I love the food down there. So good.

hmmmmm explains your hair! :rofl i’m just fucking with ya man.

Or lack thereof:shifty

i should neg u for this

having to drink to try and get laid shows lack of self confidence…

Coming up with what you said shows lack of having a life…

good point…

Since he isnt posting anymore, He is prolly crying his eyes out to her… “:‘( I cant bust…:’(people on shift bust my bawls:'(”


Jk chris… gl with her… and you better post pics.

Im very impressed

I’m sick of being picked on for my fat chick streak… :rofl

I find the heavy accents annoying. Got any pics of said girls Chris?

you gotta relaxxxx

i posted a pic on page 1 *** nog

So what happened? She has to be there by now right? Are you shitfaced?

How are we suppose to know that she is specifically coming up to fuck you? or if thats even the girl? or if there really is a girl at all?

Hey don’t put words into my e-mouth. I never said that.

We went to toga for a bit and repetitively honked at hatfield at the gas station in her car. haha