
Moved to post numero uno.

pendulum 540s to reverse to 180 out?

Toughy, I’d have to figure that one out

i have a few on video from 2 winters ago, there can’t be much snow, though…

geoffs car is put away

Yeah, if you watch on the video, I tried to flick into a 360 but it never came all the way around, because the 2 feet of frozen snow in the lot basically stopped my car lol

i have pulled a few 720s, but that was on bald ass tires and SUPER fast… like 50+ with very little snow… going into reverse can get ugly…

Nice video guys :tup:

lol, My brain and my computer are fried over here… :banghead:

Everything looks slow since digital cameras record video with very low frame rates. But I actually think the frame rate and the music in that vid complement each other well :tup:

Our Canadian friends have a secret, massive location and I’m supposed to go up and film them, It’s just way too cold and windy right now. I’ll give you (Zong) and Newman a call when I’m going to head up there.

What I didnt make the list :frowning: theres video of my car some one just yell at fuzzy or somedude, they have lots of footage of me driving not so safely :slight_smile:

You did now. If you are interested in being filmed and you feel that you have something cool to offer for the compilation, post up.

I’m down however I do not have an Evo or STI but a fun little 2.5rs

So the question is where the hell are 10 cars gonna get away with asshattery?

Was your Evo on Elmwood yesterday parked in front of some shop? I drove by on the way to the meet and saw it. It looked like duct tape on the side skirt… not sure if it was you or not

Ralph Wilson.

i’m only going if it’s 3 cars max.

It must be your age.

I can help! I can bring my comp and we can be annoying people at starbucks.

You don’t even have to go out with 3 cars. I just want the footage. I could care less if it’s you in the middle of nowhere with no one else. As long as it looks good, or is original, I’ll try to use it. The last thing I want is people getting ticketed/arrested/into accidents.

Edit: “Original,” I think I am going to regret saying that. I can see Newman sending me frostbite pictures from when he tries to ghostride his car and slide it at the same time :banghead:

ide say two cars sliding, and me taping :smiley:

ohhh looks sooo fun