looking at HDTV's

1080p is overrated when you’re comparing to 1080i.

1080p > 720p when you’re talking large screens (~42" and up). I’d honestly say it’s definately noticable on a 61" set. But questionable on a 50" set.


I hate that alot of HD broadcasts are 720 native, and my set upscales to 1080p. :shrug:

Just bought a 42" Sharp Aquos 1080p… love it. Would recommend it to anybody, got it for $1100.

i got you all beat,

50" hdtv plasma

950+tax at sears


i got you all beat,

50" hdtv plasma

950+tax at sears


What brand and does it do 1080p? I am betting it doesn’t or it’s an “off” brand

hitachi 1080i

Not a bad deal.

New in the box or a floor model? They like to sell floor models quite cheap,thats why i ask.

Yea, the hitachi sounded like a good deal. But, you can get a similary spec’d 50" plasma at aldi (i think) for $799…

Samsung makes the lcd panels for Sony and sets of the same size are usually priced exactly the same… I don’t know why people think Sony is so shitty… Sounds more of like a personal thing against Sony but whatever… Also don’t bother with an extended warranty unless you get an off brand tv…


you can get a similary spec’d 50" plasma at aldi (i think)




Not a bad deal.

New in the box or a floor model? They like to sell floor models quite cheap,thats why i ask.


Brand new, in box.

It was at best buy for $996 and sold out at 11AM on sunday when I got there. Went to sears, had a price match for 110% and it ended up being $947 +tax.



Brand new, in box.

It was at best buy for $996 and sold out at 11AM on sunday when I got there. Went to sears, had a price match for 110% and it ended up being $947 +tax.



I was looking at the same TV. Its not full 1080 (1920x1080), it’s actually 1280x1080. Black level isn’t so hot but colors and brightness are good. Slight green tint on everything. Good for the money, but i’d like something better.


Samsung makes the lcd panels for Sony and sets of the same size are usually priced exactly the same… I don’t know why people think Sony is so shitty… Sounds more of like a personal thing against Sony but whatever…


Right. People also tend to think that just because the panel is the same that you are getting exactly the same picture. Not so, because the processing behind that picture is important.

Any Sony equipment I’ve ever owned has performed flawlessly for me for years and years. Also, when I worked on their products at LTS, their customer service was second-to-none when somebody had a problem under warranty.

Most of the Sony hatred comes from them wanting to take over the world, and from their control-freakery when it comes to content (ie, the rootkit debacle). Most of that comes from them being one of the largest, if not the largest movie and music distributors.

Anyway, everybody seems to keep throwing around screen sizes and brand names but no models. You can’t effectively comparison shop for a TV without knowing exactly what model you are looking at.

For example, Sharp has no less than SIX different 46" LCDs out right now, and the performance and feature set between those models is NOT the same. Some places, like BJ’s for example, make it look like they have a great deal on something, but in reality, they are selling last year’s model or a special model that is put together from cheaper parts so they can meet the price point.


You also can’t comparison shop if the signal being sent to the TV is shite, as it was at Circuit City (NFB location), where they HAD to have the hockey game on, even though it was in standard def, and looked like garbage. Best Buy (NFB location) had at least something I could work with, and Stereo Advantage had the best of all of them.

If you don’t have the ability to adjust the set on-site, I’d go elsewhere as well. I learned a great deal at BB once I got the sets I was considering adjusted properly.

Picked up the Sharp LC46D64U yesterday. Happy so far. I found some tweeking specs on avsforums and I’m using that as a starting point to calibrate.


I want to buy the old man a TV for christmas, and have a $1000 budget.

Good info here


Picked up the Sharp LC46D64U yesterday. Happy so far. I found some tweeking specs on avsforums and I’m using that as a starting point to calibrate.


so youre one of the bastards that prevented me from getting that TV. i ended up with a 42’’ LG 42LB5D instead.