720p vs 1080p: ANSWERED Now Samsung vs LG

Will I be able to tell the difference between 720p and 1080p on a 37" LCD. I am by no way a huge video guy and don’t need the best setup but I’m looking at two sets virtually the same, but the resolution is different. I’ve read, on the “smaller” tv’s that it’s hard to notice.

How far will you be sitting from the tv?

6 feet is the closest I’d be sitting.

go with the 720p it will be fine

you wont be able to tell the difference on a screen that small

If you dont really get into the latest and greatest, then go with whatever fits your budget. I however, would def notice a difference between 1366x768 vs 1920x1080 res on the same size screen. HUGE diff in my eyes…but i play my pc games on my tv, so its easy to tell.

i like 1080i better than 720p personally, i can tell a difference between 720 and 1080p on my 46", but not between the 2 1080’s.

honestly the difference in the 2 is so small on a smaller tv its almost pointless to go up to the 1080p unless you’re a baller with all kinds of cash to throw around…i sold tv’s at circuit city for a little bit and rather than pushing the 1080p tv’s that were smaller i was honest with the customer and asked them what they were going to be hooking up to the tv…real easy: if you arent gonna be using blue-ray or a high def DVD player or even PS3, then the 720p w/ an upconverting DVD player is more than enough…trust me, the 720p tv’s still have insane picture quality w/ an upconverting DVD player and high def cable/satellite…



On a PC it would be noticeable, for TV and movies you won’t see it. Go for the 720p.

go for the 720p. thats what i have playing on my tv when i play my 360

problem? Obviously you havent played the 2 resolutions on a pc game. There is a huge difference.


Click the link if you want to prove your point.

An arbitrary jpeg hardly proves a point?

Unless he sits 5 ft or more from his computer monitor, it actually supports yours.


I guess I was just implying that I don’t agree that on a TV of that size, you would notice the difference when “watching” the TV as intended using the same input signal.

His post is like saying “I like my 1080p 37” TV with a HD feed over my 720p 37" TV with the feed coming from my old VHS" and doesn’t apply to the OPs question. :hay:

Quote in odd fashons much? :walter: