720p vs 1080p: ANSWERED Now Samsung vs LG

if you’re watching content in 1080p then get 1080p (games or otherwise), if you’re not then don’t bother.

so simple.

agreed. In summary, :picard:
It’s going to be probably beyond the life of the TV before you see 1080P off anything other than a blu ray or 360 game anyway. cable and sat capacity are maxed out trying to do 720/1080i on a handful of channels.

there is no practical need on a TV that size, 1080p feed or not.

i agree i have a 37" 720p and have a blu-ray player and the picture still looks amazing

no argument that 720p is fine on a tv that size… but I don’t like to reprocess any image if I can avoid it.


Yes :redface:

My mouse right click has left me, and I couldn’t carryover the image so as to properly call him out by using the arbitrery youreanidiot.jpg

Why don’t you post the televisions you are looking at purchasing. A brand name 720p set will walk over a junk 1080P.

yeah, there really is a huge difference, but then again… most people will be sitting far enough away to not notice the difference in resolution.

and agreed that Video (TV/DVD/HDdvd/Blueray) shouldn’t look dramatically different.

Bravo. Finally somebody that understood what I was saying. I never said anything about tv dvd blu ray or anything. Just PC games. All I kept getting out of walter was :picard:


lol nice

This whole TV thing has become crazy.
I spent HOURS this weekend trying to decide what to buy.
It is impossible to compare sets because everyone makes theirs a little bit different.
I am quite sure the makers do this on purpose.
Crutchfield is starting to remove new tvs from their website because the newer, better tvs were cheaper!
I assume they are trying to “unload” the old stuff first.
My intension was to purchase last weekend but I refuse to invest in something that I don’t totally understand yet.

you’re going about it all wrong. Don’t spends days looking at info from the people who market them to you. Go to a TV nerd forum and see what people with similar needs are buying / paying. AVSforum.com is a great place to start. Then go check one out and you’ll know why they are good or bad from the reviews instead of just staring blindly at spec sheets that have meaningless numbers for the most part.

also remember that unless you have florescent lighting in your living room, you can’t get a real idea how they are going to look anyway.

^My bro don’t told me in a test, humans could not tell the difference greater than 1000:1 ratio on LCDs.
The guy at the store told me that 50000:1 is mucher better than 15000:1.
He just forgot to tell me the difference could not be detected by the human eye.
In all fairness he probably had no clue.:biglaugh:

^ you’re probably correct lol

I would honestly just look at the pictures on all of them and decide what looks best to you based on that and features you want (inputs/outputs/etc). You know what opinions are like, don’t ya?

it’s brand specific, just like treadware for tires… so you can’t compare two brands… it’s a pretty meaningless spec… shit… all LCDs have a horrible contrast ratio compared to plasma TVs (unless LED backlit) so as I said…

and again… since showrooms tend to have florescent lighting and every TV down the row has a horrible calibration, you can’t just look to see which is better.

Samsung LN37A450

LG 37LG30

Are the two I am looking at getting…

:tup: For both sets. Get which ever you think looks better. If you want to go with the sammy let me know and i’ll hook you up with one from Stereo Advantage.


IMO the best place to start is recomendations for your price range, then go from there. compaing specs is meaningless. finding a store with properly set up TVs is almost as impossible.