720p vs 1080p: ANSWERED Now Samsung vs LG

<3 my samsung.

but both of those sets are nice. flip a coin

compare the warranty between the two… are they in home, do you have to ship… between those who I think this would be the biggest factor really.

I just received a 10% off at Circuit City coupon in the mail.
Maybe I will go there for my new tv.:slight_smile:

they are very comparable, and those were the two i was between as well.

Two reasons I went with the LG… First, the LG has a 2 year MFG warranty when the Samsung had only 1 year. Secondly while i really like how the samsung looks, the colors are a bit cartoonish. They are extremely vibrant, which looks really sexy, but it doesn’t look real. The color on the LG is really “real” I feel, its a bit more vibrant than sony LCD’s which I think are extremely drab, but not over the top.

It’s all preference on the color tho, either set is a good set, IMO.

EDIT: Additionally, do not just go by what it looks like in the store, most of the TV’s are not calibrated well, if at all. Try AVSforums for some comparisons if you really want to get into it.

I just did a change of address at the post office and they had a coupon in the thing for 10% off at best buy if you’re looking to buy from some place that’s less likely to be out of business soon.

Did you try calibrating the sets? Are are you basing this off of in store viewing?

did you even read what i said ? lol

also, im not bashing the samsung, i like their displays a lot


so, you adjusted them in store for a while and couldn’t get the sammy to NOT look cartoonish?

Oh, I’m a Samsung lover, a I’ve owned two DLPs now. But thats not why I’m asking… srsly.

That is how I got the CC coupon.:biglaugh:

must vary by location.

no, you noob, GOSH.

I specifically said DON’T go by what you see in the store as they are not calibrated well if at all, i understand about calibration.

lol, I can read.

So, lemme reprase: How did you go about judging ones color saturation versus the other?

Hint: We’re trying to help the OP (and others) figure out how they can reasonably compare…

reading reviews and comparisons from reputable user communities such as avsforums is the best way to go if you really care, as i mentioned as well :slight_smile:

go to all the NYSpeed users houses who have cool sets with a 6 pack, and judge them that way :slight_smile:

if you come here you better bring a case

why would I come to your house?

You have a sammy dlp, so do i
you have two dogs, so do i
you have a wife, so do i
you have a mustang, so do i


you read reviews on AVSforum and if you CAN’T dispute their consensus, then you take their word for it.

I just picked up the Samsung LN40A450 from Stereo Advantage, Aron hooked me up since I used to work there back in college. Is the HDMI cable worth in compared to a generic component cable?

probably not as long as the generic cable is not complete crap. but next time you order something from like amazon, or a cheap cable store, spend the $5 and pick one up.

eh - its nicer for cable management too, one cable instead of 3 (or 5)

Why put cheap cables on a nice new tv?