NICKALERO HAS WHAT?! DMV Experts enter here!

We all have opinions. I’ll stand by mine with anyone with a little common sense and respect can start on a 600. I’ve done it, so obviously it can be done.

I never talked about riding styles or riding on the track. Could care less how other people can ride what size bike. It’s not a Dick measuring contest, I ride within my means pass me in a turn on a pedal bike and see if I give a fuck.

My point if your a fuck up your a fuck up. Just because its a 250 doesn’t mean someone is going to put them selfvor others in less danger or less chance for injury. So again if you can’t have enough will power to start on a 600 and learn to ride with in your means then you don’t belong on anybike.

If you bought it because its cheap, easy on gas, for you’r gf to ride next year when you get a real bike, w.e else then fine. But if you bought a 250 because “I don’t wanna hurt myself on a 600” or “I wanna start off small” then the owner is retarded. The 600 only goes as fast as the rider tells it to.

Do we tell kids to buy a 4 cylinder Accord instead of a 6 cylinder? I mean come on.