NICKALERO HAS WHAT?! DMV Experts enter here!

It is what it is when we do what we do.


Seams your the one trolling.

A 250 is a great starter bike, nothing wrong with it. Anyone that says it’s a “Girls bike” Odds are also thinks “It’s to hot to wear leather in the summer.

Nick you got a screaming Deal on that 250!

Nope, I wore leather in the summer.

yep, def dont wear leather in 100 degree leather, roll with a beater on lol

Thanks man! When and if the time comes to upgrade while I’m here, I’m pretty sure I’ll make money selling the thing :lol

not gonna lie, a 250 is a girls bike. Its a glorified moped.

You shoulda bought a vespa or a smaller moped if you wanted good mpg.

But for that price, learn to ride and move on to a 750 or 1000 within a year or two.

Someone needs to let motoGP know the 250 class should be restricted to girls.

a 1000cc after riding a 250 for even a year (which here is one season not very long) is a HUGE jump especially with the way modern sports bikes are currently made.

The guy scored a 250 for 800 bucks, that is a steal & he said it was an impulse buy I couldn’t blame him for. I have an R6 and if I found a 250 for 800 I’d take it myself.

Not the video I was looking for, but it still proves a point.

My season has started now, which I really think will help me have time to ride the bike and possibly safely move up this season; even in that I won’t go bigger than a 600 should I move up. I put some miles on it this weekend and have been using my room mates gear, I love riding so far.

Fuck off and stop trolling my thread, you useless worthless piece of scum. Don’t you have a job or something to do with your life aside from continuously harassing someone who hates you? I know you like trolling, but you’re not amusing anyone here other than yourself.

Back to the ignore list for you.

Taking a picture was easy, check the first post. Why do more not get taken and posted on mediums such as facebook? I don’t have a bike license yet, family and friends of family have facebook and will wonder how I am insuring it, etc. The last thing I need is dealing with that. I’ll flaunt the shit out of it when I can legally ride it. One is enough for the internet.

I still don’t own gear.

And I blew up at Kevin long before he asked for pictures. See below.

You want to troll? I’ll troll.

Anybody who buys a 600 for as a first bike is retarded.

Buying a race prepped bike to communite isn’t smart.

And if you want to go fast in a straight line and can handle any bike just fine you’re retarded for now starting on a liter or a 'Busa or zx14.

It’s especially hilarious when 600 riders get passed by 250 riders in turns. Rocketpunch can tell you all about that.

We all have opinions. I’ll stand by mine with anyone with a little common sense and respect can start on a 600. I’ve done it, so obviously it can be done.

I never talked about riding styles or riding on the track. Could care less how other people can ride what size bike. It’s not a Dick measuring contest, I ride within my means pass me in a turn on a pedal bike and see if I give a fuck.

My point if your a fuck up your a fuck up. Just because its a 250 doesn’t mean someone is going to put them selfvor others in less danger or less chance for injury. So again if you can’t have enough will power to start on a 600 and learn to ride with in your means then you don’t belong on anybike.

If you bought it because its cheap, easy on gas, for you’r gf to ride next year when you get a real bike, w.e else then fine. But if you bought a 250 because “I don’t wanna hurt myself on a 600” or “I wanna start off small” then the owner is retarded. The 600 only goes as fast as the rider tells it to.

Do we tell kids to buy a 4 cylinder Accord instead of a 6 cylinder? I mean come on.

How about tell kids to start with a Civic Si instead of a Lamborghini. 14 second VS 10 second machines. Seems much more relevant.

Except Lamborghini doesnt fall over and kill you for mistakes.

Which one do you think is a more sensible choice for a first car?

my first bike was a 600 :‘(:’(… I got bored of it in 4 hours.

Exactly. Busa or Zx14 for you. Puny 600’s are a stupid choice for beinners who have self control and want to go fast.

If I go riding again today I’m going to try my room mates 93 Honda Shadow. Its a 600 so we’ll see how it goes.

My prime reason for buying the bike was impulse and price, but its really helped my self control. I beat the piss out of my VR-4 and figured I’d be the same guy on a fast bike after buying it. With that in mind, I’ve been surprisingly respectful on my 250 and I’m trying the 600 today. Should be good times!

I like 750’s, 900’s and 1000’s… can still pop it up easy and there faster then a 600… I feel like busas are mainly for drag racing.

Busas are for going fast in a straight line, which is what you and most beginners are iterested in.

750 is just as boring as a 600 after first month acceleration wise.

Go big or go home. Liter or bigger. All the other shit is for kids who don’t know how to handle what they’ve got.

my friend Kevin (obviously NOT murrdogg) had a 600 zuki, he loved it until someone moved into his lane and it got wadded up. he said he never got tired of it, and owned it for 2 years.

my first bike was a 600, never had trouble with the law with it and never had any accidents, i think its more about self control then anything and as for the 600 being slow… i would disagree, i think a 600 is plenty fast