looking for a job around sarver.

i must be looking in the wrong places but it seams the only place that wants to hire around here is Giant eagle for part time (15-20hours a week) and min wage…(what 80-100 bucks a week after taxes) i really cant even afford my car payment/insurance and the gas to get to work and home with that

now the fishy part… i been to 2 places that have obivious signs outside stateing that they are infact NOW HIRING or LOOKING FOR HELP but oddly when i go inside and ask they tell me they aren’t ? i ask about the sign but i get replys like thats old or something yet its been 2 some weeks and both places still have the signs up? and one gas station with a HIRING NOW sign outside cought my eye so i went in and asked for an ap the one worker looked at the other then they shruged and the other worker told me they were not hireing… WTF?

i guess it is me… i must look like an alien from some other planet or anybody else in sarver have this problem?

try pittsburgh craigslist

link plz?

pittsburgh is kinda far but i guess i have no other choise

well where is sarver… what direction I have no clue to be honest with you

sarver is around the butler area, my aunt lives there. its off of route 8. anyway, what job are you looking for? are you skilled at anything? its hard to say i want a job making x amount of $, and have no idea on what you want to do. try working in restaurants, there a lot of them on route 8. i manage one, and servers can make easy 400$ in about 25 hours, bring home. you have to see what you want to do, then go from there.

i never worked in a restaurant before but i normaly do sales type jobs and my last job before i moved here was furniture sales i am used to about 600-900 a week type pay

also i want to add this job will be a very short term i accually kinda have a job at the moment but i am doing non paid training and after late march i should be going full time to

so pay is not that important but i seriously cant live off minimum wage from giant eagle but i just might have to do it just to get out of the house

dont work in one trust me. 7 yrs>my life

If it’s just for a short time…
Wait tables at Kings in Buffalo plaza…easy 50-70 bucks a shift
Penn United over on 356 is always hiring
Also, try Oberg
II-VI (2-6) in Saxonburg

Go up into Natrona Heights. Much more diversified area. I live in Fawn Twp and they look at me like Joe Pesci when he rolled into town in My Cousin Vinny when I moved in from New Kensington.

thx for the ideas im gonna try kings and apply but i really have zero experiance in that situation

also the natrona hights area is not that far

Natrona Heights about 10 minutes away
Cranberry about 20-25 minutes away
Pittsburgh Mills/Tarentum 15 minutes away

Great idea i forgot about Pgh mills…they are doing an assload of hiring there.

Based on your chilly reception, I take it that you have either/some/all of the following:

  1. Emo/long/unusually colored hair
  2. face piercing
  3. visible/unusually placed tattoo’s
  4. body modification (bifucated tongue, ridges, implants, etc.)
  5. forgot your white hood and flaming cross at home

Up in that area, you’d stick out like a sore thumb…

Good luck on the job hunt, but like the previous people said, try da 'mills and Natrona Heights. More opportunity in these areas anyway.

  1. no/short/natural brownish color i was born with
  2. none
  3. no tatoos
  4. none
  5. my white hood was left in my closet along with the cross

i put in an app at lowes and walmart next to pittsburgh mills lol i guess i am going to have to venture into the mall it self :frowning:

did you try Key Bellvues (sp) on 356 right above river forest across freeport bridge ? they are always hiring.

also charapp and devie were looking for lot attendants.

what about the new business park on the corner of 28 and 128 ?

Carol harris down in new ken always has local jobs (low pay)but they can get you something.