No jobs in pgh!

I have a job now making nice money, but its the slow time of the year and im only getting about 15-25 hours a week!! when i normally get 45-60.
i’ve got 0 hours this week…

im looking for a job making at least 8.00 an hour working in the morning hours (7:00 til… 9:00 til…) and i just cant seem to find ANYTHING… seems like noone is hiring at all…

does anyone know any places in the south hills that are hireing?

move out of Pittsburgh…

or go find a job and not :crying: about it!


i’ve been looking and calling for the past 3 weeks. and came up with Nothing

wasnt ur gf just :crying: about not finding a job???

i know, her circumstances are different

but ya think about moving…jobs are all over in the southwest!!!

what does taht matter? i said the same thing to her and she found a job… excellent point dickweed.

another excellent judgement call… move to the southwest :rolleyes:

I just found a job making 6.50 an hour at a little sub shop… its not full time… or as much money as I need… but I’ve had 0 hours for 3 weeks now and just need something to bring in food and gas money… good luck finding 8.00 an hour… there isn’t much in the area.

im to the point that i’ll take anything i can get now

Go get something stupid… like a pizza shop/sub shop etc… retail isnt hiring right now… so you are pretty much left with food. I told myself I did not want to work in another food place after managing a Vocelli… but its really all thats hiring right now because college kids all went back to school… :rolleyes: like I said good luck.

And about the Southwest idear. I have a lot of family in the Southwest… they are educated and bilingual (a plus) and they are working for little to no money because mexicans (as rude as it sounds its true) will work for much less than my family can afford to… therefore driving down their salaries. In most cases… I should add before someone is like <4yearoldvoice> ‘no huh’ <4yearoldvoice>

point is homo…that ur making him seem like a little whinny bitch when ur gf was saying the same thing…

and yes southwest area has a lot of jobs…where they fuck u want him to move? erie like thats better??

New England seems to be full of jobs, and the South East… I have family also in New England and they seem to be doing alright… the only problem is the cost of living (in some parts) is very high. . . so you will make about 12.00 an hour at a mcdonalds, but get taxed and spend sooo much more money on little things. Don’t move anywhere… just grab something stupid for now (like a sub shop… or somethng else stupid) and atleast get some income… if you are anything like me- you just need SOME money until you find a good perm. jobby job… Hang in there and we will both find something.

PS- I have been listening to Sonny and many others tell me to go get a job and not be upset and whiny about not having one for 3 weeks… so I got one… :wink: Its just that he sees me more than he sees you guys… so he never had to post it on here. :wink:


/ job discussions for like 2 weeks plz?

Not those hours but go to Home Depot in Bethel Park

If I ever get fired or laid-off I plan on moving down south or westward … better jobs , cost of living is a little more but ehh its life.

I guess its a different point of view when you have a job… :rolleyes:

i just called like a dozen places, no hireing except 1…

im gonna go put my app in this furniture delivery place… i called and they said they need someone bad… i have 3 years in moving, so hopefully. they said good hours + overtime. delivering few furniture peices > moving a damn house

Thats true… bring a resume too… good luck bud… hope it works out for ya!