Looking for a mazda engine(yes i know)

Been outta the loop a while but my other car needs a new engine(smoking, stupid mazdas) so i was gonna put a JDM engine in it. So I was wondering if anyone here knew a good place to get a KLZE in the toronto region. I asked around on the ONPOC boards but the board isnt to active. And with my 240 still holding the grass down in my backyard i need wheels.

Anyway, if anyone knows a good place for JDM engine who they trust personally lemme know. Few people were telling me lucky star but ive heard some bad stories about them.

Don’t go to that Mazda place near Belfield and Dixon area.

try mx-3.com in the forum thats your best betif you really need one pm me i might know someone

or you can try rx7club.com
they have a canadian section there that is pretty good.


Located near Lawrence and Warden Ave.

They carry a massive stock and can get most types of JDM engines.

I have not dealt with them personally but I have heard some good reviews.

Hey man.

Contact my buddy Tom at www.a1jdmengines.com as he’s been importing motor’s for years now and can be FULLY trusted.

Take care.

Easy 8)

i can get you KLZE for you.

responded to your pm

Im going to revive this post. All the places ive called either out of stock or are too expensive and the people ive talked to privatly have flaked out.

So, if anyone else has more info it would be greatly appretiated.



i ahve a complete probe with one in it running for 3 grand?


hehe, no thanks, my system is almost completely installed and dynamat doesnt come off, not to mention if i were to buy another car i would feel like i let it beat me, and im not going down without a fight!

good price though, send me some pics, lol

how much u looking to spend on a ze?

well TJ’s normally sells them for 900-1000 but there outta stock, and lucky star i could probably get for around 1000 if i haggle with the guy long enough. So in that area somewhere, problem being most other places have to ship them in and want like 150 for shipping and are charging 1200 for the motor, im not gonna pay 350 more for an engine i cant check out ahead of time from a place that knows nothing about the motor.

Has anyone any experiance with tiger japanese, they ahve the engine in stock and will do a comp and leak down right infront of you which most places wont. Any opinions?

they are fags i hate them, thats my experience with them

Oh yea? why? Can u ellaborate on that?