i just bought a mazda 323 as a winter beater…lol its slow as shit,POWER 87 @ 5200. TORQUE 128 @ 2500…anywasys i seen that there is a jdm/uk motor a 1.8 4 cylinder turbo engine. Also the Mazda 626 jdm KL-ZE produces around 200 HP @ 6600 RPM. i can put this in, but i would way rather the 4clyinder turbo.
If anyone knows anywhere i can get this motor from would be great, yea i know its a winter beater and a p.o.s but i gotto be driving with more then 87 HP WTF! LOL.
It’s from the 323 AWD turbo version I believe. Honestly though. Why does it matter if it’s just being used as a winter beater? Why waste moeny like that on a winter beater? $0.02
i already have a bigger turbo for my sr tom.
and this 323 will be my girlfriends summer car in the spring, I am going to see what i can do for a track only car with her white peice of crap 240 lol.
I been doing some reasearch and the klze motor seems best of all. its prettymuch drop in.
We will see how this goes, as of monday tho the mazda will be flat green lol, pictures will follow
call me bud. Ok I am a mazda guy well was. lol. The best engine for that car is the 1.8 turbo but it’s not cheap, you can go KLZ but that swap is not cheap too. You can get a MX6gt engine it is a 2.2l turbo. Now the down fall, They use a VAF system and you can not hook up a SAFC to tune it, you will have to get a chip ecu and it still limits you, or you can go Mega Squirt.
thanks for the heads up you guys, i know there is a straight neck and curved neck kl kevin@ams is a old prob fan, i knew him back when he had one with a klze. im just weighing out my options for this car. It will go to my g/f when spring comes. I just want to have fun over the winter.
martino…yes this time we will paint it properly lol.
im actually trying to source out a garage with compressor that can handle a spray gun. this car is going to probably be the most hilarious thing.
cut spraaaangs ftw! LOL!
i just noticed that the bolt pattern on the car is 4x100, my hanabis are 4x114.3 and 4x100, LOL! i am now determined to make these fit. as i said pics will follow monday lol
i had a 323 as my first car ( old family car) me and my friend put like 60000km on it in a year. that thing was the best on gas lol 20 bucks from toronto to niagra and back and u still have quarter tank left.