guess you havent been watching cupcake here is the PWS turnout

Gateway-3(same weekend as NHRA NJ)
Michigan- 3
New england-7

you said 4 well there wasnt one event with 4 at it assclown. anthony has seen 10.5’s a good bit and is finally gettin the set up down since he is off the BFGs on back on true radials and the same goes for rich. Loan has seen 10.7’s in the car. as for me sorry I am not a baller that can afford to put stuff back together in 2 weeks like you but I atleast made it to one race with my car which is far more than I can say for you swinging from pats ballsack.

yes it did start on the street but it evolves and for it to stay meaningful you have to go to the track or it is pointless and you dump a crap load of money into a car for nothing.

I’ll roll race ya, got the same turdbo as you too :stuck_out_tongue:

Who is this directed to?

I only run from a dig !!! hahahahahaha

I was thinking the same thing. I have a bigger turbo than a GT30 I am between the 30 and 35

whos racin who.

haha good question

I got some parts out gettin powdercoated , so for me It might be another 2 weeks .

But will run soon as she’s back together.

what the fuck does ndra have to do with street racing anyways?

my one and only point is-- when my car was up and running, and when i bring it back together-- i’ll run my car where ever and when ever. track/street/ i dont care. personally, i prefer the street, as you dont have bullshit rules. My car being down is a bitch exscuse, but valid–thats the only reason why i have not been out at races or at the track.

examples of b/s rules-- i dont need a catchpan/tranny blanket/engine diaper fuel check valve. nor would you have to run an oem tank that the nhra thinks a street car should have, despite the said street cars running low 9’s and having a cell would be 100 times safer in the event of an accident.

maybe 99% of the people on this board dont know this because they are to new, but this site was started off of street racing. yeah, that seems forever ago, as no one seems to want to race.

i know i miss racing, any chance i get in a semi decently fast car im out trying to run it. jay’s 240 when he would let me take it-- i would go all around trying to get into races. my car last summer when it was together, i went out a few times and actually had a few races. since my shit is torn down to swap over to an auto, rally racing as well as crewing for hybrid’s 240 has helped pass the time. but believe me, i have deffinietly not lost the passion and cant wait until my bucket of shit is back together. because track or street, domestic or import, i wanna run it. i dont care someone puts 10 cars on me, i wanna make them earn the win rather than not run at all and “think” what could have happened.

^^^^ Well said. The only time the EVO leaves the garage is in pursuit of racing something. Street or track

Wether I get walked or I lay it down It is the cars sole purpose, not grocery getting or gettin me to and from work but 1 purpose to run it and run it hard.

The track isnt always open but the street is !!!

correct me if im wrong cause im not exactly sure who u r.but dont u drive the red Evo that runs around with two kid seats in the back??im not making fun of u…i wish my dad took me to preschool/daycare in a 11 second car

If that’s the case I guess it does leave the garage for something other then the track and to street race…lol The kids puked on my seats and shit on them again…lol

buwahhhaha then you must be more of a retard then i thought, it takes WAYYYYY more skill to street race then it does at the track, i never raced on a street where they had tech crews who clean debri’s and such/ lay down vht/ have a wet box/etcetc, im in know way knocking race tracks cause i like them also, but on the street you actually have to drive the car to your entire ability, more so than on the track…you obviously get spanked and have trouble dealing with it so you find ways to make everyone elses car not STREETABLE…give me a break…and to the real street cars you claim of, they do so get freebies and have major sponserships MOST of them that is, at least the ones who matter…ask me how i know…later gator

two thumbs up to all the gutted non STREET cars out there…im a loser just like you i guess

with the interior all gutted out and no seats , i sure as hell would take a date out, more so then in any of my other daily drivers, id have more room to bang her, and if she didnt want to ride in it then see yah later tater…there is a camaro on this here board i seen at the flashlight drags fuckin flewwwww they were saying as you are its no street car etcetc…i was there and wondered why did they say that and then i realized because they cant think of anything else to say for an excuse why they got spanked…that camaro was an awesome STREET CAR…

just another hillbilly with a gutted car…you have a turbo correct? id love to race you turbo car vs turbo car

us from OUTTA CONTROL here in altoona have been trying to come out pittsburg area way for some time now, to do some car shit …we all deffenetly need to link up , im down for the drive…

can someone pm me or stroker lx with a location possibly as to where you all usually hangout? thanks

you :kekegay:

nasty i aint driving up that way unless im going to prp.they can come here if they want to race,because we know atleast we will get some action around here.

how about we add the LS7TT into the mix while we’re at it :wink:

who has one of those?

who knows :smiley:

mine aint done yet!!!

No public road is safe. Just keep that in mind.

sucks for you, mine will be in a week :smiley:
