ill beat up on you with my full interior car, ill even match you boost for boost :wink:

Next NDRA race you attend go see some of the domestic guys there. those unlimited street guys still have more of a street car than most of the so called “fast” stuff around here and they are goin 8.7’s with a real program and professionalism. they still have headliners and carpet and didnt cut the trunk floor out to save weight[/QUOTE]
do you know how much sponsor money they get and how much money is in that kind of car. you cant compare that so unlimited street car to a street driven car.and this post started as someone looking for a street race that never happend.as for us guys here we did some racing last nite it was just for shits and giggles but atleast we race are cars and not our computers.

do you know how much sponsor money they get and how much money is in that kind of car. you cant compare that so unlimited street car to a street driven car.and this post started as someone looking for a street race that never happend.as for us guys here we did some racing last nite it was just for shits and giggles but atleast we race are cars and not our computers.[/QUOTE]

I have almost nothing in my set up compared to most and I am still competitive. I talked to a few supra guys at MIR in the class that have no sponsorship at all. you dont race your car if you go on the street and not the track at all.

o i go to the track and the street you can count on that.why you want some come get it!

I have almost nothing in my set up compared to most and I am still competitive. I talked to a few supra guys at MIR in the class that have no sponsorship at all. you dont race your car if you go on the street and not the track at all.[/QUOTE]

the only reason why your competitive in pws is because no one ever runs it. Loan runs 11.0’s in an all motor car, so do you.

man people who complain about street racing …have no skill to do it, in most cases there stuff runs like a turd, and cant drvie to save there life…i agree with dude to…those dudes are sponsered out there ass with alot of FREEBIE shit…cant even use them in the post …im glad there is people who complain about gutted cars, that always meens mod for mod i have the advantage…

the only reason why your competitive in pws is because no one ever runs it. Loan runs 11.0’s in an all motor car, so do you.[/QUOTE]

you realize that more cars were in PWS at MIR than turbo street cars right?

loan runs 10.7’s and anthony and rich run mid tens

bwahhhhhh no more skill on the street than the track bud. again I talked to some of the guys in unlimited street personally and they have NO FREEBIE anything. some do but a lot dont.

mod for mod you dont have the advantage at all. you cut the car up to go fast which just shows you are too cheap or lazy to make power and set the car up right. sorry a gutted car is not a street car. would you take a date out in your gutted car…ohhh wait where would they sit you cut the floor pan out all but on the drivers side.

weight is et and mph.

if its lic,insp,insured its a street car!

still more of a street car than gutted local turds



not with all those stickers on the windows!

what do stickers have to do with it? have you seen some of the 18 year olds in the civics running around?

Well this spiraled out of control AGAIN!!

I run at the track when I can make it out there unfortunatly its not the easiest thing to do due to family business , family itself the wife and all her bullshit blahblahblah

So lick my balls if I get some runnin in on the street , I need to get my fix

As far as on the street go’s, I am sure alot of you have peeped some of the vids that we have posted of us out on the highway and I dont see too many people in harms way.

We run where nobody can just pull out of nowhere in front of you and never run with traffic so what the fuck

When its your time fucker its your time no matter where or what the fuck your doin !!! Live it up!!!


Everyone who has or had a fast street car raced on the street one time or another, if you did’nt then you are lying. I myself will do it once in a while but I will make sure all is clear and won’t jepordize other people, just yesterday I had 3 oppurtunitys and turned them down. No one ever started racing at the track, it starts on the street first.

So One event all year, 1 event there were more cars, where were you the rest of the season where loan and 1 other car showed up. You’ve been to what 1 race all year, and rode everyones nuts on honda-tech about the other? Go look and see attendance for this year. besides MIR(which is notorious for bringing huge crowds and everyone knows its the last event of the year) the biggest car turnout was 4, 4 cars buddy. Yes anthony is fast, but inconsistent. Loan runs consistent 11.0’s. No faster, she may crack off a 10 every once in awhile, but its about as common as you saying you were wrong. Don’t base your opinions off what you read, base them off what you saw, something you cannot do

believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear :idb:

any event at mir seems to bring a big crowd