Looking for a roomate in OC, anyone down?

Your half of the rent shall be $5,500.




Top Floor of the Pyramid Condominium building. Owners are the people that own Perdue Chicken.

Good God :idhitit:

5500 per ???

$11,000 per month 30 year 5.25% son

damn thats beautiful


OUCH. But is is pretty damn nice!

Dude, it’s a 4BR, that would get the payment down to $2750.

Count me in!

How much to just rent the wine cave? Im in!

lol they might give me deal since I take service the pool there and they buy all their chemicals from me. And I’m in good with the Building Manager who is a huge Steelers fan. :cool:

Living room can be converted into a BR too.

Can you say project hollywood?

They’re asking 1.9 million but they were asking for 3 million about a year ago. I’m sure we could get them down to 1.5mil no problem. Especially with all of the new condos that are going up in the Gateway Grand that is scheduled to be completed for this summer. I’m pretty sure those are starting off a no less than 7 figures, and it’s a brand new building. The Pyramid is like 35-30 yrs old.

dads COPO camaro as down payment??


I’m pretty sure with a place like that the panties would be dropping about 10’ inside the front door. :bowdown:

They’d have to in order to overcome the overwhelming penis level from the 15 + roomates needed to pay it :idb:

Real World : Pittspeed.


move that place to Vegas or San Diego and I’m in.

i call dibs on master bedroom