looking for a second part time IT job

i mostly work night’s and weekends and i am just sick of sitting around during the day. i am looking for a IT job so i can start getting into my field. it would have to be a part time job with flexible hours as i am still in school and have another job

i have taken 2 years of c++ and starting java this semester, i have dealt a little with networks and computer repair.

i know its probably a long shot but anyone know of anyplace that would be hiring?

where do you go to school?


2nd shift helpdesk?

what do you do just answer calls?

Yeah I can get you a help desk/tech support job with no problems

Can you remember starbucks orders?

I am sure there a lot of help desk positions you could get…

I don’t know what position you’re looking for long term…but do 6-12months at a help desk job

Most jobs want some experience even though help desk sucks it will help you long term

i hate coffee lol,

i work retail right now so i dunno what that says…


What hours do you want/can you work?

Mon: anytime
Tue: anytime in the morning till 5
Wed: same as above
Thur: same
Fri: till 4

it will change by semester though cause this semester i have night classes

Lemme know LocalNet is extremely flexible with scheduling

and extremely flexible with being AWESOME

if they are still hiring or you could swing a second job in there please let me know?
i have anytime avail.