ok wtf is going on another fatal motorcycle accident

Yeah because Harleys or tourers don’t have negative connotations and judgmental associations :crackup

If you don’t want to be stereotyped this is the wrong hobby to be in.

Moms will think you’re an idiot.
Hospital/er/medical people will think you’re an organ donor.
Riders of every other type of bike will think you’re a jackass.
Cagers will think you’re an asshole and or target.
Kids will think you’re cool.
Gf’s love bikers but hate them once they become a wife.
Non bikers of your age will think you’re a tool.
Cops will target you and don’t regard you highly as you’re neussanse. (sp?)
Women/old people in cars will think you’re invisible (super powers ftw?)
Guys of the same bike who rode more than you will think you’re a n00b.
Guys with the same type of bike but different brand will think your bike is inferior and or small.

So yeah, if you want a judge free zone, sign up at planet fitness.