You don’t know for sure and he’ll never know unless he tries. He’s got nothing to lose except maybe a hour or two out of his day that way he will know what all his options are IF he even wants to buy a house instead of renting. Sounds like he wants out of his parents (I assume parents) house ASAP and buying a house is a long process so that might not be the best way for him. I would want to know all my options, but I can only speak for myself.
Like Joe above you said. This does not seem like the case to own. Not a good financial move on his part…Back on topic.
Craigslist, and local penny savers, paper, word of mouth where friends live is where to start.
Bought two doubles in one year.
Right in the same area.
I live in the lower of one unit for free, and the other cashflows about 600 per month.
With houses being so cheap here, it makes no sense to rent.
Also, i have my pick of tenants, my last craiglist ad got about 50 responses in a week. Rents are strong here…
It makes no sense to buy if you’re staying in the place for less than a few years. OP is living at home, he’s probably not in a stable situation yet. No credit plus no down payment plus paying closing costs = renting FTW. Not to mention that maintaining a house, especially a duplex, is a big fucking pain in the ass sometimes. There’s something to be said for sitting back and calling your landlord when shit breaks.
When buying a house you have to worry about will i like it here in 10 years with a rent you have to wonder if you would like there in 6 months. If your going job to job or just looking for the perfect job renting would be the way to go. If you have a stable job that you actually like and enjoy the area you want to move in then go for it. It is never anyones call where you should live or how you pay for it. Do what you feel is right.
You people are ridiculous.
I totally agree. I was just giving my opinion.
trust me i looked into buying a house and my credit is at 570 it needs to be 620 for an FHA loan…im looking to move in with my friends so its cheap.
I didn’t see any location posted. But… I’m moving out of my apartment. It’s a 3 bedroom upstairs and downstairs sort of duplex. Has a stone driveway. Rent is $550. You can have pets. It’s sort of out-dated but it’s pretty decent. Bathroom is tiny as fuck though. It’s in Angola…
Theres one for rent in the complex as me, it’s only 1br though.
Probably somewhere around 430sq ft. Rent would be $440 I think.
I pay $430/mo for 420sq ft.
Enough space for the girlfriend and I.
Just enough.
in lancaster.
What does it include? And what complex are we talking about?
mhmmm, includes water.
HWT and furnace are all a few years old, so utility bills are pretty cheap.
I pay $6/month for gas in the summer :\
it’s Tom Sawyer.
Not as shitty as you’d think tbh.
It is small though.
Not gonna lie there.
53 sawyer ave.
landlord is a pretty sweet guy too.
Instead of prorating the lease, since I was moving in in the middle of the month, he was just like ehhh we’ll let it slide, and not worry about it.
So got a half month free of rent… saved me like 200 bucks. :S
small quiet dogs are cool, cats are fine.
Hmmmm intresting, I may need this guys number, looking to get my own place. Love my roomate to death but the constant madden on my tv and cigg smoking is killing me.
There’s a sign posted outside with the number, I’ll have to run and get it… but i just got home and nekkid!
shower :]
so, its kind of like a hotel room sized apartment?
I guess thats great if your looking to save money.