Looking for designer material, any local lmks?

Im looking for an all black gucci, channel etc cloth material. I have found overseas suppliers but id rather pay the extra daller and get it locally. Let me know, please and thank you!

You can try various clothing stores at pacific mall possibly? But it will probably be fake stuff…and I honestly think that it might be easier and cheaper to find it overseas. It will probably be pretty damn pricey here.


Eh I have searched ebay, you find a lot of finished products like handbags and boots but no raw material. Im going to give this over sea place a shot @ 25 usd shipped per yard with minimum 5/yard order.

They seem pretty legit and only do paypal transactions, you guys think im somewhat safe? Im a newb to buying over the net.

Post the site address

Let me know how it goes. I’m looking for some burberry fabric.

a burberry shift boot would be baller.

Devin try this website.


Lmao Martino your quite the resourceful man, that is the exact supplier I have been in touch with.

Im setting up an account with them and getting a chart of samples with my order incase anyone wants to check out my binders. A few of my buddies are craving me to do their interiors with this stuff.

I want a burberry shift boot :smiley:

Let’s burberry your hood while were at it :slight_smile:

exactly what was thinking, but with the matching glove box.

Haha, way ahead of you my friend :wink:

what the fuck is so good about burberry?

If they screw you over you can file a claim through paypal and they will reimburse you.


It’s kind of retro, reminds me of old British cars.

Looks like Ahmed’s following me around…coincidence that he posts here all of a sudden?

Are you kidding me LOL!!! You are the one following me around always having to make a post after something I say or post. Holy shit guy, you wana make love to me or something eew get the hell away from me. Stop following me around. It’s like… you’re stalking me lol. In fact you can’t stop talking about me! I just respond and talk about you when you start bothering me/posting-commenting after all my posts, otherwise I’d never mention you or think about you or bother knowing that you even exist.

Seriously why do you even bother replying…are you fucking retarded? Mark is antagonizing you and you are dumb enough to keep replying. Has no one taught you to ignore these types of situations. Just stop already! Its bloody annoying to read every thread and then all of a sudden its some random bickering.

If you two don’t behave you will both get a time out in the corner, so stfu.

I like Burberry, would def rock it in my car.