Looking for GOOD dog food recommendations


most butchers will have scraps and other raw meats people barley eat for cheap. real cheap most usually throw meats away.

if you cook and eat a turkey you can feed it all the things youd throw away if your like most people. plus any other animal you kill yourself the stuff youd throw out the dog would love

white rice is cheap too.

you can shoot a deer or ask people you know instead of throwing away that deer carcus could you give it to me? and you can feed your dog for free if you known enough people. and its recycling. i know theres alot of hunters on here and mist throw away alot of good stuff

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0tld-aAAI4”]Dogs Eating Raw Deer Carcass.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6MtYXu6j0Q”]Foxie eating a RAW turkey neck - ReelRaw - YouTube[/ame]

also if you know ppl that fish in good waters with too much fish theres another good source. or if you fish with your buddies on weekends get food for your dog