Human Dog Food?

Here is an interesting questions that came up last night while discussing health and eating.

Why is there no dog food type supplement for humans? You can feed a dog 2 meals a day of the same food and they get their full nutritional value. For people who are basic eaters and don’t mind eating the same thing over and over while wanting to make sure they get their full nutritional needs, is there anything they can eat in place of meals to provide this?

Just an FYI, most dog food is horribly disgusting as far as ingredients and quality goes. Most of them are horrible at providing even partial nutritional value.

Ya I understand there is some that are better than others but the general idea of a meal that can be simply eaten in place of meals for the lazy and health aware.

Frozen entrees would be the closest thing to human dog food,they do make some that are healthy.


ive always wondered this myself. and although there are “healthy” frozen and canned food options, the sodium levels are still insane

I would rather eat dog food. No thanks…

It’s coming, but in the future.

Ya there seems to be some that are healthy but all that frozen and processed stuff has a ton of salt. The Kashi one’s seem like a good alternative tho. Low carb and lower salt than the cheaper ones.

Only issue is most of those are expensive so a weeks worth of just dinners would run you $25.

There has to be a way to get protein powder smoothies that has enough vitamins you get from eating fruits and veggies too. Hell, even making it with flash frozen fruits seems beneficial.

I thought this was gonna be a thread about fast food.

Why would this exist? What kind of frighteningly mindless drone would eat this way?

Not to mention dogs live a solid 8-12 years in most cases, so if that’s what you’re going for dog and human nutritional needs aren’t that different.

---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

Not to mention that to eat this way your activity level would have to be virtually the same day to day and the same as whoever the food was designed for.

Proper diet needs to be tailored to the individual, and further tailored to the individual’s activity level.

soylent green

I would have a protein shake every meal of every day if I knew it was giving me the nutrients I need. I live on my own and dealing with my side business after working full time, I don’t cook or keep food at my place esp with traveling. I get my 30-60 minutes of cardio in 4-5 days a week and would be all over a option to stil get my 3 meals a day with nutrients even if it was the same thing. Dogs live 8-12 dog years so 56-84 people years which I would be perfectly fine with that. They reach adulthood at an early age which hasn’t been proven to have anything to do with food. You don’t see someone feeding their dog magic kibble to keep it living to 30 people years.

I guess instead of human dog food, it would be more of Liquid Meals.

DAMMIT! I cant believe someone beat me to it!

I was thinking more of Brawndo from Idiocracy.

man, i am sorry you would want to live like that.

Idiocracy is the absolute worst movie i’ve ever seen

I would rather sit through the entire twighlight saga

I thought this thread was going to debate feeding human meat to dogs. :frowning:

Great Product

MREs are pretty good actually.