Looking for GOOD dog food recommendations

I am looking for a better dog food for my pooch. Right now he eats Purina but upon browsing the interwebs i have found numerous reports of it containing propylene glycol which is in anti-freeze, and now im not comfortable feeding him that anymore. Im curious as to what some of you guys feed your dogs.

Propylene Glycol is harmless. It’s in over the counter laxatives and suppositories. Perfectly harmless.

Ethylene Glycol is the poisonous one.

making it is the best way. just like your own food.

raw food diet is the best for a dog. my dogs eat raw and fresh cooked food everyday

this is the easiest diet i know of:

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUZyvNawej8”]Raw Fed dogs eat a deer - YouTube[/ame]

That gets to be really expensive tho.


most butchers will have scraps and other raw meats people barley eat for cheap. real cheap most usually throw meats away.

if you cook and eat a turkey you can feed it all the things youd throw away if your like most people. plus any other animal you kill yourself the stuff youd throw out the dog would love

white rice is cheap too.

you can shoot a deer or ask people you know instead of throwing away that deer carcus could you give it to me? and you can feed your dog for free if you known enough people. and its recycling. i know theres alot of hunters on here and mist throw away alot of good stuff

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0tld-aAAI4”]Dogs Eating Raw Deer Carcass.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6MtYXu6j0Q”]Foxie eating a RAW turkey neck - ReelRaw - YouTube[/ame]

also if you know ppl that fish in good waters with too much fish theres another good source. or if you fish with your buddies on weekends get food for your dog

Nutro is what I feed my dog

I think that’s the route we are leaning.

Had my dog on eagle pack and a few other al natural bullshit foods that cost tons of money. She hated all that shit to the point she wouldn’t eat. I feed her the purina one with the chunks of chicken and she loves that shit, not to mention the vet says its perfectly fine and she’s in amazing shape.

2-3 cups a day hold him fine , he shits once a day ! If it rains the turd is gone as it it don’t linger around like his did with other dog food . He is more active coat is healthier etc . I can only compare it to us eating McDonald’s and then eating healthy !

My dog eats Orijen food.

Regional Red/Fish variant. I couldn’t find anything better. Little on the pricey side but it’s worth it IMO.

mine too and he’s 14 so it must be ok

Always have used Purina Pro Plan (its high end Purina dog food) never had any issues, both of my dogs are healthy. Use the same brand for all the foster puppies as well.

Just remember some dogs have sensitive stomachs, do not just switch the food right over, gradually add in the new food to the old, a little more of the new stuff each day until completely switched over. Also start with a small bag just to see if your dog will even eat another brand.

We use Science Diet with Jake… been good to him so far!

Vet also recommended the Purina Pro Plan if we ever want to switch.

We use Iams healthy naturals. One of the biggest things to look at is the ingredients. The first ingredient should be meat.

  • 1 This.

Thats all we have fed out dog since we got him 2 years ago and he is plenty healthy and happy.

i use eagle brand. they sell it at pets plus and that place at freedmans bridge. It’s not the cheapest, but it’s all natural and my pup loves it

I get Taste of the Wild. Its quality food.

check out http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/ for ratings. basically you want as little filler material and if possible no grains.

Propylene Glycol is completely Harmless to both humans and animals, it is in anti-freeze, the kind thats used in pet safe antifreeze

ETYLENE GLYCOL is in traditional antifreeze and what is extremely harmful if swallowed…

Keep feeding them what you’re feeding them.

Same dumb bullshit gets thrown around with e-cigs. “Doesnt that have the stuff anti-freeze is made out of” yes you jackass, the safe kind. PG is used in many medications, some food products, beauty products etc… It’s completely harmless as per the FDA’s own reports as well.

Blue Buffalo with a blip of olive oil