looking for info on rear shoulder harnesses

wheres a good place to find rear shoulder harnesses for my back seat. i wanna keep my kids safe and the lap belts wont be good enough for a 9sec street car. whats the best seetup for it. ive never looked into selt belts for the rear seats before. thanks for any suggestions

I don’t know about rear harnesses, but my suggestion is not to drive spiritedly with your children in the car.

you don’t need to be driving spiritedly to get hurt in a car accident.

(what i think) he is saying is that it is an older car that only has lap belts. he would like to have shoulder belts or full harnesses.

edit: i will admit that he did imply that he will be driving it spiritedly.

dont worry about what he plans to do. just answer his question. dont pretend to have some kind of moral superiority.

is there a newer version of the chassis that had shoulder belts?
