Looking for somebody to Reformat some computers for me

Would somebody be available to wipe out some computers of their current content and reload Windows (if necessary)?

I have a bad habbit of fucking this kind of stuff up.

5 Dell Desktop Computers.

Any help would be appreciated. :eekdance:

are they all identical machines?

pm speedracer anthony is the man.

God I hate doing this shit too. I should have Anthony do mine this time.

If I was still there I’d hook ya up Josh. GL. Theres a bunch of guys local who wouldn’t mind the task.

Pmed ya. i’ve done tons of work for forum members :slight_smile:

i have two towers, the one i am using is an older unit, nothing wrong with it really, except that one of the cd slots doesnt work and it doesnt have any front usb inputs etc. my other tower has the usb/card reader on the front and just looks newer. how much would it cost and how long would it take to combine the two to get the best ram and use my hard drive (maybe have two)?
/thread jack

it only takes like 30 minutes per machine…

to my knowledge, yes.

all 5 machines can be plugged in and done at the same time i guess…would like to establish service to Verizon FiOS as well which has already been installed in the building.

why can’t you use FiOS now with the machines?

Probably won’t be a problem. but if somebody is to stop by and reformat…i’d like to make sure the internet connection works as well before they leave.

as long as the current network card is working it won’t be a problem.

Josh - I have a couple Windows XP SP2 Dell Disks.

it just loads the image and go go go. just needs some driver installs. let me know if you want them

Pretty straightforward. All the same model by chance?