looking into new car help?

so being so undecided on selling the quest, i decided to look into what to get next i was thinking a honda because i know parts n such i got 5 cars picked out

  1. integra
    2 prelude
    3.del sol

any other sugestions? anything to look for

if u want cheap and easy to fix, take 300gt and corrado off the list

Corrado … at least the G60 that i used to have … was VERY cheap to maintain … well in the domestic range … 3000gt … well thats a DSM it speaks for itself

How about looking for a Merkur XR4Ti

Heres a good start … http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Other-Makes-XR4TI-MERKUR-TURBO-XR4TI-1985-48-000-MILES-PARTS-CAR_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6472QQihZ012QQitemZ220053672347QQrdZ1

2.3 turbo motors are bullittproof

For some reason i like the integra most on that list.

But it all depends on what u want to spend.

There is this volvo I am eyeing thats silly cheap but has a ton of miles but looks show room new. I have no idea why I like it but it tempts me daily.

  1. integra - everyone has one, good motor, good suspension
    2 prelude - less of the above
    3.del sol - the more flamboyant civic
    4.corrado - unreliable vw
    5.3000gt - unreliable mitsubishi

wtf is that? lol anything elsese i could just keep the quest but i dont know what to do wit it

Civic HB.

Everyone loves them.

You never had to spend a small fortune rebuilding the supercharger?

Corrado parts can be very expensive these days, especially any parts specific to Corrados (ie: not shared with mk2’s)

A Merkur? Getting parts for those makes finding a needle in a haystack easy.

rare parts dont come across as a problem until your car is broken and possibly undriveable and you need to find them.

my friend’s room mate at school has a corrado and he recently restored it from the ground up, and he spent a crazy amount of money on it and it took him almost 2 years to find all the parts and everything he needed.

FTMFW i <3 merkurs


It’s like ford’s version of the conquest. Always wanted one. :tup:

Of that list I’d say Corrado because they’re sexAy and nobody knows what the hell they are.

only two on the list i would even consider are the lude and the teg

what gen Prelude?

but yeah the Prelude and the delsol are less common than the Integra

h22 swap into a del sol? lol im not sure where elsese to go car wise lol

turbo del sol, only way to go

What year prelude?
I got a 89 banana yellow lude. More fun to drive than my 03 accord coupe!