Looking: Place to live!

Hey everyone…

So my lease is up on May 1st and my roomate and I are going our seperate directions. I’m looking for a place and this is my preferences:

1 bedroom
basement suite if possible…
Laundry facilites
some sort of kitchen area naturally
im a non smoker.
I like to listen to LOUD music in my bedroom… but i can be respectful…
doesnt have to be furnished…

looking for the ara of 400-500/month… and my g/f may move in with me later on…
if anyone knows anything avaible please let me know… ill add up on here anything else you want to know about me… Thank you to anyone who can help!!!

…anything? apartment buildings are ok too as long as its in a nice area… but id perfer a basement suite…

Uhh some buddies of mine were looking for a room mate. Not sure of the exact details but if you like I could find out for you.

that would be cool… im kinda looking for a one bedroom place tho… i want a place to myself with no roomates…