I am looking to buy a 90 - 95 125 or 250
i know it will probably need to rebuilt in the months following my purchase
i also know its probably not going to look to pretty
that is what i am looking for just to dick around on it and wreck myself on
if you have something like this or know someone who does i am looking to spend like 500 ish because thats probably what the bike is going to be worth

thank you all for your responses in advance

if you go a few hundred more, i know where there is a pretty nice kx125. needs a few things but for the year its very nice. pm me if u wanna know details.

i know someone that is selling a banshee that has alot of work done to it i think they wanted like 1500 or something like that i can find out for you if you are interested can also find out what all is done to it. i do know that the motor was built at some race shop.

yea like i said im looking to stay around 5 i can go up to 750 if it looks like it may run for a good while.

also i forgot to mention i am looking for a DIRTBIKE sorry for the confusion on the quad thing

i want a dirtbike cheep and already beat up is fine