Looking to find a licensed importer...

Hey, :slight_smile:

I’m looking to purchase a car from goonet but would like some suggestions/help finding a licensed importer to make the shipping process go as smoothly as possible.

Anyone that has imported a car could you recommend places and about what you paid for shipping?


talk to the rightdrive guys, im sure they can help somehow

Rightdrive cars come cert and etested. Main office is on HWY 7 in Vaughn. Contact Matty on here…he works there.

^he found his own car. He wants a broker to purchase/transport. pm boost~hungry. hes a liscenced importer.

Pm me with the link to the car.
We will import it if it meets our qaulity inspections.

The your car will come cert. e-tested, power train warranty, etc etc if your interested.