Looking to get into snowboarding hahahahha


word i still have the same board i started on.

K2 dart 145 lmao it is way small for me but it is awesome for spinnnnnss

edit: also as a noob you have zero need for goggles, you wont be going fast… i don’t even wear them, only time it sucks is when they are making snow


how the hell do you ride a 145? shit I ride a 162. Been rocking the same board since I was 16 or 17. Been through 2 sets of boots and bindings since then. I just got a pretty small board for super cheap. Im gonna throw old bindngs on it and use it for rails/jumps. Spinning on my 162 is not easy by any means.

<3 snowboarding.


my first board was a K2 dart, but i broke the tip off, so i bought a never summer used for 100 bucks.


great boards, fantastic price