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1 Reported Auto Thefts Since 2003

wierd. .only one in hamburg too.

anyone see the movie hot fuzz?

statistics mean shit.

^46% of statistics are made up on the spot.

Zero in East Aurora since 2003.
I love my town.:smiley:

14 in Springville!!!

0 Reported Auto Thefts Since 2003

lol good old 14075…

+1 for where I am in Hamburg too

yeah i guess putting your street in doesnt work. 313 in my zip code. most of which were more or less near the “projects” of A-Town. I also do not understand how like 3 or 4 cars can be stolen from the same address consecutively.

your street works if you also choose your zip.

Most likely places of business. If you look at Williamsville there are a ton by the Eastern Hills Mall.