Loose change 9/11

Do you have any idea how painful that is to look at right now? I’m half asleep, shit in my eyes, no coffee in me yet…




lol. infinite picard ftheadache :clap:

I’m not taking sides here but what I’d like to comment on is that I do know first hand how the government can make certain things “disappear” and as if they never happened. If it was a conspiracy, only the high ranking officials knew about it and the plan would have to be executed perfectly to affect each branch of power/ military accordingly. My .02

lol im being completly honest when i say that i started this thread completly as a joke, i wanted to see how many people i could get pissed at me. I was completly joking around neone who thinks our government single handedly carried out all of 9/11 is a retard.


single handedly


Is the key phrase here boys and girls

There is actually two words there.

one word would be something like:


opps sorry,

Edit: Key Phrase


lol im being completly honest when i say that i started this thread completly as a joke, i wanted to see how many people i could get pissed at me. I was completly joking around neone who thinks our government single handedly carried out all of 9/11 is a retard.


Can someone please find me a .gif of someone pedaling a bike backwards?


lol im being completly honest when i say that i started this thread completly as a joke, i wanted to see how many people i could get pissed at me. I was completly joking around neone who thinks our government single handedly carried out all of 9/11 is a retard.



doesnt matter if they carried it out or not anyways.

I started the entire thing as a joke i rly dont care if u guys dontg believe me. I found out about loose change hru lolloosechange.com i saw that movie first.