Lord of the Ring: Ferrari Breaks 7min -> Zonda R Breaks That


Well at least it beat the it’s dying step brother the Viper ACR.


I wonder when the Nissan humpers are going to say it’s < GTR? Or when Nissan is going to throw their own GTR out there and come close to the 7min mark and tell everyone its stock?!! :lol:

Was it Shoey driving?

Awesome, but to be fair, the 599xx isn’t even street legal. It’s a 722 HP race car.

And it starts at ONLY 1.5 Million! :hahano:

production car none the less

i want to know what the ring is like on a normal day. when its open to everyone. like traffic wise…

ehhh… that’s a fine line at that point. If you are considering it a “production car”… then every factory built race car out there could be considered one as well. I don’t think “production” in this case means any more than you can buy it turn-key, but that in itself is meaningless when classifying it with its competition. It it more in the “production race car” class, and cannot really be classed with the “production street cars”. It all comes down to street car, or race car in any case. This is obviously a race car.

So sort of like the Viper ACR or ACR-X?

Well, technically yes… sure. The ACR is a street variant, and the ACR-X is the race/track variant. But on that note, if you are talking “Production Race cars”, then a more fitting comparison, at least for a price point and design philosophy, would be the GTSR race car, or the Comp Coupe race car. Both are/were “production” race cars and were 150-550K when new 5-10 years ago. The ACR-X is not quite as large of a stretch from the ACR as the 599XX is from the 599GTB… its basically just a caged/gutted/VIN-less street car for spec racing, where the Comp Coupe, GTSR, and 599XX are more purpose-built race variants based on their street counterparts.

It shares something like two body panels with the production 599. It also has active aero which is illegal in pretty much all races. The only thing you can really compare it to is the fxx. It’s a warrantied turn key race car redesigned from the ground up.

This record didn’t last long. Zonda R takes it @ 6:47 sec:



Buddy of mine’s father just picked this up… and his kid almost drove it off the ramp, lol.