Lost a speeding ticket.

Currently in the process of trying to find one of the two phonebooks in this house. But just wondering off hand if anyone knows exactly who I would need to call in the event someone would misplace a speeding ticket.

It’s in the town of kenmore, and unfortunatly I can’t find any info and been looking for the phone books for a bit now. Tried calling the NYS DMV line, but of course it’s busy. :tdown:

More specifically the ticket is in Kenmore.

call the Kenmore PD. if you remember the date you got the ticket, they know the date that you have to show up for court.

derrrr…I mean Tonawanda…same dif…

Found the phone book, called Kenmore’s Justice Clerk. She stated there is no record of me getting a ticket in that town. So now I am just a bit worried. :bloated:

Was told it might be in bufflo but I remember looking the ticket over and it didn’t have Buffalo, or Amherst on it.

As for the court date the ticket wasn’t even sent in yet. Which is the big problem. Trying to call Buffalo about this but it’s busy.

number is 8734554 i i think they dont open till 3pm though. or there only open till 3 today i forget. lol whats sad its in my cell phone. i got hamburg and amherst to if you need it

That was the same number I called this morning, they looked it up by DOB, liscense plate number, name, and SSN. Stated there was no record of it. :bloated:

Time for you to call every police dept in the area :slight_smile:

maybe you got lucky and the issuing officer lost it too. :slight_smile:

they cant loose it anymore if it was a big white printout

What kind of cop pulled you over and where exactly where you? I’m sure one of us has gotten a ticket there or close before so we can figure out what town you should call…

Between Amherst, and North Buffalo. Right on sherdian, during the Sunday meet. I remember talking to Joe about it, and remember it’s not Amherst, or Buffalo. But where else could it have been though. Either way I’m a bit freaked.