Lost cat in Synder area of Amherst

My wife noticed that our one cat Pearl had not been seen all day and she looked everywhere in the house and couldn’t find her. She tried looking around the house and neighborhood with no luck, I am in Miami for a conference right now so can’t do much to help. But I made a CL post and figured I’d post something here since i know there are people in my area on this board.

I have included some pictures she is a Calico cat and her name is Pearl, she is clawed and is probably one of the sweetest cats you will ever see. If you find her give me PM it would be greatly appreciated.

We also put food, water and some effects with scent out, hoping she comes back.



:frowning: Hope you find her

No more than 60 seconds after posting this, my wife said that she was at the back door but ran away. She called and asked where the flash light was and went to go find her. She then calls back crying because my neighbor (whom she has never really spoken too) was a complete dick to her. Seriously what kind of person treats someone that way.

I have no recourse being in Miami, going to give him a piece of my mind when I get back.

Told her to go into the backyard with food and call her.

She is back wife keep checking occasionally and she went to the front door this time, ran away of course but thankfully ran into our driveway behind our garage and finally came to my wife. She is home safe now.

Score! Glad she is back home

Happy Ending.