Lost my job

christ this thread went down hill lol.

I know, that’s why i dont’ send you PMs saying “oh please please stop it you hurt my feelings! PLEASE LIKE ME!!!”


on a side note i’d never work for UPMC either :wink:

Uhhh isn’t that what you’re doing? …:blue: :stick:

Can we get back on track now…

Woahhh where’d my thread go?

no… the whole point is that i do know what i’m talking about… reading comprehension does wonders.

the original topic has been discussed and we are onto bigger and better things, like fshowcars and T70_Tsi arguing like a bunch of 12 year old girls. :smiley:

I’d work for UPMC, decent pay and good benefits. I’m paying close to $500/month for healthcare now, and it’s shitty ass blue cross healthcare.

this thread should have been split at this point… i guess if marge put it in On Topic it would have been a cleaner thread lol.

I had to get my own policy as well, the company I work for doesn’t offer insurance until you have worked there for 6 months. The company before them wanted $90 a week to get insurance! I pay $126 a month for just myself. $1000 deductible, but they will cover doctor visits and some things before you meet the deductible.

i’ve moved jobs 2 times in the past 3 years and they all gave me that BS that they could not cover me for a certain amount of time. I gave them the “either cover me or start the hiring process over” line and they all covered me from day 1. There is no way in hell I am getting the COBRA coverage for my family, last time I checked it was over $1000 a month.

it is… i use cobra and am paying more than a decent car payment (more than 350) and i’m semi-young with no other dependents… it’s ridiculous.

that fucking sucks :frowning:

straight up off the street application from highmark (best values for single people) was like $515 for the same type of coverage… you could get away with a 400+ payment, but it was 25 and 50 copays and a bunch of HMO bullshit

I have all of those BS copay’s, $1500/$3000 individual/family deductable, through a semi big company, and still pay $500/month for insurance. That doesn’t include dental or vision either, that’s another 100/month.

fucking insurance pricks.

Poor bastards, I dont pay a dime for health care.

i make up for it with my hourly rate. :wink:

I have golden rule through united health care, their rates are pretty reasonable. Might want to check them out instead of what you have now. http://www.goldenrule.com/ You can cancel your policy whenever you want, and they have short term policies also. Copays are $25 for any doctor, including specialists. No dental or eye coverage, but I did get a discount card for like $3 a month extra.

i think i pay 12 bux

you’ll run into asswipes like your old clients sister throughout your whole life…just deal with em as long as you can and get what you need then just walk…i learned that when my old job became hell when we got a new manager at best buy waterfront. People are pricks…