Lost my job.....

This is not over at all. If you got a job, be better than those around you. It “might” help. It might not. Normally I am pretty optimistic, but here on shift, I, I, I dunno. It’s like a special bus, with a few monitors.

damn trish. sorry to hear about that. i hope you find a job soon. like others are saying just apply for everything you can. your awsome so i think you’ll find sumthing quick!

Thanks !

so when can i expect a part out of the 07? lol. j/k

hahaha I will never part with my car lol I rather so “would you like fries with that” hahahahahahahaha

yes please!

hey i here there doing a 401k match might not be a bad idea!!!lol.


yessssssss lol Im lovin it



you can have your name tag say “i-TRICIA” LOL

haha good news though, Im 99.9 % sure I have a awesome job coming, my boss called and is gonna get me a sweet paying job in albany, ill share more details once Its confirmed , cause I will be replacing someone

OMG hahahahahahahahahaha:rofl

nice i hope that it pans out for ya.

thought you might like that.

u get that intake in yet :slight_smile:

no one should ever get comfortable with their jobs, i rmemeber last year my buddy telling me that his dad was working for the state for 23 years or something and was more stable than anything, as of now he dont work there anymore LOL

you cant count on jobs… period… i mean u cant count on anything, if you work for yourself its not stable either i guess, but i’ll take that before a job where someone can tell me like they told jeff… cya later boss !

Well my interview went great ! I got the job http://www.518carscene.com/images/smilies/w00t.gif I start on the 26th :smiley: so I wont even go a week without a paycheck, good stuff

u know what fuck it. im going on the corner…

just came back, apparently i have to pay them for my services i offer :(, im a terrible ho

awwww dont worry, you will find a job soon !

LOL oh no you didn’t

Major congrats.