*Lot Protocol* Protocolo de terreno ¡Ahora en español!

Edited OP and thread title to reflect the addition of Spanish.

One more step in turning Shift518 into the rest of America

Does anyone know the McD’s owner/manager/night shift leader? Maybe it would be good for some well-behaved regulars to get to know the big dogs over there, no? Couldn’t hurt.

I pick up other peoples junk every night at like 3-4am when theres just a few of us left there. Thats dedication!! lol

Thanks buddy :thumbup

They change somewhat often. We used to know the Fri night guys who were wicked cool, but the Sat crew would call the cops all the time.

One manager is cool (white guy) but the other guy is a dick (black guy).
One manager said we could stay but the other one calls the cops all the time.

Got it.

+rep adumb

Yeah you’re a good man. Although I did laugh when one of the Colonie PD drove through just running over beer bottles and pushing them out of the way.

I’d like to come one of these nights when the car is on the road, and the weather is better. How often does the lot get fucked up by dumbass kids? Is it on a weekly basis? I keep hearing all bad. I just like to chill, get enough drama at work.

:lol It is a little comical at times, but usually annoying lol.

pretty much every week the retards ruin it.

Early in the year the lot is not very good. When people actually start bringing out the nice cars(May-ish) it changes quite a bit, but there is still BS that occurs.

That’s depressing. It should be legal to physically remove people like that.

Good outweighs the bad then.

Once it warms up… just about every night

well unfortunately the cops just remove everybody.

It is legal, thats why we have laws :lol

yeah, the garbage down there was awful. Delucia ran over a couple bottles when we came back.

I meant without the police lol

Adam, ya know I like you…don’t flame me…

But I’ve been there and done that, I did the car hangout shit for every Fri-Sat night in Tucson for 6 years. We had to change spots several times, just the way it is.

Other than heritage and location, why hang onto the lot? Yes, the shitheads will eventually find the new spot, but that’s just the way it is. If it’s just people being lazy and not wanting to drive more than 5 minutes, then I don’t know what to say. Personally, I’d love to come down and hang out a couple times a month this year (aside from cruises), but it just never seems like its worth the risk. From what I’ve seen, the fuckwads at the lot FAR outweigh the decent crowd.

And that’s exactly how it is too, it’s basically the high school hang out…or just scrub hang out. Because if you look around, most of the cars have nothing done to them, or they’re just shitboxes that were attempted to be modded. Most of these people there go there because they hope to see the nice cars.

I would personally love to hang out somewhere off Exit 9 of the Northway. That general area right off 9 has a TON of areas & from what I’ve seen, there’s some nice rides up there that probably don’t go down to Central Ave because of the stupid shit.