*Lot Protocol* Protocolo de terreno ¡Ahora en español!

I dunno man… we always try to change it up but the lot just seems to be a prime location for whatever reason

We had a great turn out at the exit 8 PnR last year, even though it was balls ass cold. If I did not have to leave the state for work, I would of tried to push it as a weekly event.

If it’s because people refuse to drive more than 10 minutes, that’s just sad, esp for an ‘auto enthausiast’. I’ve made the trip (1.5 hours each way) several times in a 700+++++hp car on drag radials.

I drive 25-30 minutes to the lot… so i dont have a problem with it

park and ride is about the same distance for me,give or take if i take back roads…id be down for that if its gonna be a weekly thing

Me, dkid, cazwrx, mk1mr2, jiggs and a few others used to stop by our sophomore year of HS and roll around, never felt an urge to do burnouts/other shit, even in dkids riced out green civic or caz’s riced out old audi :rofl

I mean convenience is definitely a part of it for most people. If we all went to the walmart by my house we would have no problems with dopes or cops because its legal to park there, but I know no one would want to drive out.

I just think it’s a great location to hang out. I’m not gonna push for it too hard as I won’t be there every week (200 miles a week is more that I want to put on the Vette), but I’d be down 2x a month or so. I mean fuck, we are all on here for countless hours a week, why not hang out with the same people ‘in real life’ once and while, lol.

where do you live?if its within an hr im down lol

It’s right off of Hoosick St.

we should try out these few locations once it gets a little nicer out

I had fun in the Walmart spot last year :rofl

Friday night LOOPS FTW.

Yeah that was really fun.

The Bruswick WalMart is a park and ride. I’ve never had a problem parking overnight there.

Here’s an overhead view


mcdonalds, bk, and dunkin donuts are all in the area



you can barely read it… FUCKKKKKK

and mcdonalds is not labeled in the picture

^ lol

Brunswick walmart is ~5min from the gf’s house :thumb