Lot this Fri/Sat MARCH 27/28TH

true i still want a shot… you know i didnt like wat happen last yr with all the spinning in 3rd on my end so i was hoping that maybe the warmer weather would help me hook and i might have a chance

yah I dont care.

nice def a low key night would be sweet! and id like to see big red in on it too!

yah…me too lol

i was looking for you the other night cuz i wanted to hear the car! but i didnt see you til you were leaving. by then i was too far away to hear

I was only there for 2 hours at most…

I got on it when I left infront of the lot tho.

yea we all heard your heavy left foot on your clutch :wierd

yeah didnt hear anything… maybe next weekend

what? That was me pedaling the gas trying to hook up from spinning.

yea thats fine, well figure something out.

do you take your foot of your clutch while you do this, cause it hoenstly sounded more like you giving it gas with your ehavy foot on the clutch rather than fiddling with just the gas…

Either way… Flooring it comming out of the lot is just as cool as 1 wheel smokey burnouts from puerto ricans down in the lower lot…

I keep my foot off the clutch on the foot mount until I need to shift.

the ssssslammmed cammmed and more SSSsss was SSSpinning bro


why dont you sssssssssssssshut your whore mouth?

not slammed anymore. I put my stock rear springs back in it with the hose mod.

hose mod?

took out the rear rubber top shock insulator and put garden hose on the spring…drops it down 3/4" from stock

oh the spring isolator, cobra guys do that too

dude i got the hoes mod also…in my pants, it gets the girlssSS wet