and as many times as you READ the thread not ONCE did i say or write the letters PR or Puerto Rican, if you KNEW me you’d know i have PR friends and don’t hate on people for no reason. chill it

please the only thing you run is your mouth …just to clarify have suttin ready in bout 3 weeks :thumbup

I said you should say PR. I like A couple of the others here have honda civics that are in the 11’s and 12’s. Not some garabage civic with a loud muffler.

I said “quick/fast” and my 12.80 Civic is faster than your Camaro:tongue:haha:haha:haha

spinning through 3rd gear while heading home 6/10’s of a mile up the road wouldn’t be considered clownish would it>???

nooooooo :lol

his civic runs at least bud

I feel dumber after reading the last two pages.

i was stock wit a little bottle:lol.we shall run soon little joseph

just to clarify… yea right. that bomb is done sell it.

Nah, the PR’s are clowns is what we’re saying.


What are you talking about? You’re a clown man.

:lol tell me about it.

fuck off ,so where is that turbo vette ,ya junk the g/p yet what else ya got till its anything that is quicker than a 15 shut the fuck up

calm down

haha 1/2 the cylinders, no bottle here:haha:tongue
My car will be gone soon, no racing here.

[quote=K20power;397666]Nah, the PR’s are clowns is what we’re saying.

What are you talking about? You’re a clown man.

hahaha…k20 more like GAY20

hip hip yer gay!!!

no shit why? as ya know joey im bustin balls …besides you weigh half of wht the camaro is so in ricer terms power to weight man


i got everyting son. bout to swtich to the dark side and get a torinnnnooo.

Have had it for quite a while, getting something newer and a lot nicer. Should be a fun car still, just not as quick but over time, it will get faster :lol

I’m bustin balls too man that’s why i was putting the smileys :lol

Reckless driving in a parking lot? Are you fucking serious? You shouldn’t be driving more than 10mph in a parking lot.

Maybe all these cops are trying to tell you guys to find something better to do with your free time rather than stand around in parking lots. Go out to eat and shoot the shit or go up to the Lake or something like that. You can race on the way home. :lol